Jasper and the Shelter of Angels Page 11
THE JOURNEY DOWN the mountain was far quicker than Jasper believed possible. He was going to pack some food before he left, but the Angel Elana told him, “Have faith, Jasper, and trust that all things shall be provided regardless of the situation.”
Jasper did find all he needed for his journey. Before he knew it, he was coming through the corn field at the back of Jim’s property line, on the same path he took when he last left the farm. It was cold and dark outside, but the soft orange glow from the warm barn beckoned him on. The sound of a heavy sledge hammer clanging down on metal came from inside the barn. Jasper made his way to the barn and peeked inside where he saw Jim reshaping one of the horse’s shoes. Jim would put the horse shoe into the hot red coals, softening it, before he hit it with the hammer to straighten it back into shape.
Waiting a moment to case the area to be sure the place was safe and Jim was alone, Jasper called with a loud whisper, “Jim...” Dropping his tools, Jim looked around to see where the voice was coming from. “Who is it?” Jim asked with suspicion and fear. “Who’s there?! Show yourself!”
Jasper stood up from behind a bale of wheat straw. “It’s me, Jim. I was told to come back here to the farm to check on you. How are you?”
“Me? You are in great danger. Where are you living now?” Jim asked.
“I’m living in the forest. I’m a ghost to the world, but I’m doing well.” Jasper reassured Jim.
“Somehow, I knew you would.” Jim said with a proud fatherly smile. “Listen, I didn’t want to have to tell you this, but in your absence, I’ve suffered another heart attack. The farm has fallen into a terrible state far worse than ever before and I’m not expected to live more than a couple more months, at best.”
This news deeply troubled Jasper. He put his arms around Jim gently and held him. Jim seemed to really need the support but his strong German pride sniffed back the tears. Nudging Jasper, Jim stepped back.
“You cannot fix this anymore. My problems have grown beyond the reach of your good intentions. The police want you. The farm is lost. It’s all over now.” Jim looked at the floor with the remorse and defeat of a beaten man. “How are you surviving, Jasper?” Jim asked thoughtfully.
“I’ve been blessed with your training and of course, the company of Angels. I live far away in the forest where I’m building structures and supporting myself as the Angels instruct.”
Jim had forgotten how ridiculous it all sounded, but because of Jasper’s sincerity, Jim believed his friend just as he did before. Jasper was truly faithful.
“I’ve been altering my written ‘last will and testament.’ I want to do what is right with this farm though, I understand, it will have to come to an end with me. I have no one else to carry on my work and legacy. I want to split my savings between my daughters, but the fortune I once planned for them has become my deep debt. If I give to my daughters, possession of this farm and all equipment, perhaps they can auction it all off and make a little money. As for the livestock, the feed and the seed; I want it to go to you.”
Jasper’s mouth dropped open. “Me? How am I going to do that?”
“This gift, Jasper, you must accept.” answered Wilson, appearing behind Jasper.
“Of course, I cannot add your name to my will. You would come to collect and the authorities would nab you.” Jim looked into Jasper’s eyes and said, “You must take them, Jasper. You’re the only one who will care for them as I have trained you to.”
“When you say, the livestock, what exactly do you mean?” Jasper asked so he was perfectly clear.
“I want you to take every living animal that I have here on this farm, except Rusty.” Jim explained with a nod of his head.
“I will need time to prepare for such an expedition.” Jasper told him.
“No, Jasper, you must take them all tonight.” Jim told him. “I give you all day to prepare, but tonight everything I mentioned must go.”
In the coolness of the night air, all breath rose like the smoke from a chimney. Jasper and Jim gathered all of the animals together. One by one, they roped them all like a chain. The most tedious job was to tie the burlap sacks of feed and seed to the backs of the horses.
“Remember, I told you one of my little tricks.” Jim spoke softly as he always did when he instructed Jasper. Suspecting he wouldn’t see Jim ever again, Jasper would miss the way Jim taught, the most. “The chickens aren’t doing well. Feed them some of the dry cat food. Cat food is a great source of protein for the chickens and they love it. They’re beginning to molt, but keep them fed and their feathers will end up looking better than ever.”
“Thank you, my friend.” Jasper said to him. “The Angels tell me, you’re greatly loved by God.”
“Neither you, nor the Angels, know my past. There is too much there for the Lord to forgive. I haven’t spoken of this for two generations, but in my youth, I was a Nazi.” Jim lowered his head in grief.
Jasper listened to the Angel’s response before he said, “My friend, the Angels, want you to know, the Gates of Heaven don’t discriminate. If you draw near to the Lord, he will draw near to you. Do this and you will be spared.”
A tear fell from Jim as he lifted his head and smiled at Jasper. “Thank you, boy. That was just what I needed. Now, I can rest easy until I breathe my final breath.”
For the last time, Jim and Jasper worked together nourishing the animals and making preparations before the journey ahead. A special bundle of supplies was tied to the donkey’s back. These supplies consisted of an axe, a saw, a few shovels, three hammers, matches, candles, bars of soap, eating utensils, pitch forks, aluminum buckets, a couple large cooking pots, filled with nails and a roll of wire.
Smiling, Jasper thanked Jim again, “You will be blessed for your generosity today.” Jasper told him with a gleeful emotion of respect in his eyes.
“I know I’m doing the right thing.” Jim replied. “I too saw Angels. I’m not sure if they were the same as your Angels, but long ago they told me how important it was to one day make sure you receive all of these things.”
“By the Lord’s hand, I will do what’s planned for these gifts.” Jasper told him.
Jim watched as Jasper left the farm by way of the path leading out toward the great mountain on which he would have to climb. At the lead of the long train of farm animals, roped together, Jasper diverted his path slightly taking a way down the shallow wide river. The Angels directed Jasper’s path the entire way, keeping each of the animals calm and co-operative.
Jasper feared how to get the farm animals up the steep mountainside. The Angels had another route planned which was completely different from the one Jasper took the first time. The animals traveled in single file. The Angels helped to guide the livestock and keep them from a fatal miss-step over the steep ledge of their path. Taking the long way, the animals didn’t have to be untied along the way. The distance up the mountain was full of switch backs that were unnoticeable until they were right on top of them. The path wasn’t actually there, but the way was made known, a little at a time, by the Angel’s guidance. It took the last half of the day to lead the slow moving animals all the way to Ceramecy.
When the caravan of livestock arrived to their destination, Jasper was directed to take the animals to designated, fenced in, pens. The Angel Taila had Jasper prepare such pens in preparation for this moment.
Back in Ceramecy, Jasper felt at ease. He was home; safe and secure. In this place, along with a feeling of purpose, Jasper felt a sense of belonging, but not to the extent he felt in Heaven. It was like a temporary home. Looking forward to spending each day tending the animals, Jasper couldn’t wait to get started.
The Angels managed everything Jasper set out to do and they controlled him so he was efficient in all he did. Becoming so efficient in fact, Jasper made time to construct dwellings by working on them at the last light of each day.
As with any situation, problems arose. Jasper faced the challenge of what he would do with suc
h a surplus of food. He had trouble making enough clay pots to hold milk. Slaughtered animals had to be packed in snow or cooked to keep from becoming spoiled too soon. Eggs needed to be kept in a warm place and so did many animals.
The Angels had Jasper create more dwellings. These small log cabins were intended to be living quarters for other people. Able to see ahead to what was still to come, Taila told Jasper. “There must be eight dwellings in all.” Each one was constructed against a sheer rock face. Within the tight little dwellings, the back wall was solid stone, but the other three walls were fabricated from logs. Notching the logs so they’d fit together at the corners, Jasper didn’t peel off the bark. Filling in the cracks between the logs, with mud and moss, he was careful to keep the wind from entering. Each cabin had shutters for windows and a single wooden door. Heavy duty garbage bags were thoroughly utilized to provide waterproof roves; covered with dirt to insulate and protect. Using smooth river rock and clay, Jasper fashioned a fire place for each of the cabins. The cabins were small, with a floor measurement no larger than eight feet squared.
Each night, Jasper would sleep in a cabin to be sure it was satisfactory before he decided it was finished. He made a fire in the new fireplaces to test them for defects. When the smoke came out through the chimney, the small cabins heated quickly. If Jasper was smoked out of a cabin, he had to correct the problem before it passed as livable.
Between the business of collecting and preparing food, constructing and building things, praying and exercising, Jasper had to make time for gathering fire wood. The area under the rock overhang, had become tight with fire wood where it could remain dry.
After chopping down a series of tall trees, Jasper used the logs to build the structure of a spacious lean-to. The thick tall trees grew all in a row. When Jasper cut each of the tall trees down, they fell over against the high rock face. This created a large covered area where Jasper could protect the livestock like a barn. To insulate the dwellings, Jasper spent long hours shoveling dirt over them. This would protect each habitation from the frost which was due.
At times the grueling work took its toll on Jasper. When the Angels required him to work long hours with no end in sight, he became frustrated. Jasper was, after all, in the middle of nowhere.
One day, Jasper asked the Angels, “With so much work to prepare this farm, and even more to run it, why is it all up to me, one person, a nobody, to do it all? Is it really so important?”
Wilson tried to appease Jasper’s frustration, “More will soon arrive to assist you.”
“Right,” Jasper said, “If I build it, they will come... That sort of thing?” He muttered under his breath, “Please understand,” Jasper spoke as he greatly needed to get his aggravations out. “I am thankful that I have been blessed with the insight to see the spiritual realm, but it’s also my curse. Wouldn’t it be better to let others see what I see, also? If I could pass the torch, so to speak, you would have fresh strength to carry on this work.” Jasper let out a breath that told of his fatigue. “I only ask for your counsel.”
“We have power to refresh your strength when you need it most.” Joel answered with a tone of encouragement in his voice. “Listen to your heart. That is now where these great truths abide.”
“I have never been able to trust my own heart.” Jasper responded, “It’s subject to so many conflicts. I’m too easily impressionable to delusions, deceptions, and selfish ambitions. It’s always been hard for me to hear the Lord speaking to me above all this clamor.”
“Many people have had eyes to see into the spiritual realm throughout history, either in part, or the same as you can. Most people deny seeing something supernatural. It is natural for people to grow dependent on their earthly eyes and ears. They miss out on all there is of the unseen world which is just as much a part of their life as the things they see, hear and touch with their bodies.” Wilson added.
Jasper submitted, despite his feeble understanding of the Lord’s ways.
Each day Jasper found a way, with the help of the Angels, to become more productive than the day before. Until one morning, Jasper awoke to find he had somehow slept in. He had become dependent on the crow of the rooster every morning, but this morning was without the all too familiar; ((-Cock-a-doodle-doo!-))
The Angels didn’t alert Jasper to any danger. He sat up and rubbed his tired eyes. As Jasper listened, he heard snorts of the pigs, the huffs of the horses and the cooing of the chickens. The Angels weren’t far away, as always. They were spending the morning talking to one another. Jasper decided to fold his hands together and pray for a blessing on the day. As he did this, he opened his eyes slightly and noticed a light from Heaven was upon him. Jasper wondered if this happened on other occasions when he prayed with his eyes closed. Then he heard some voices in the distance. Jasper finished his prayer and opened his eyes. Though the Heavenly light stopped immediately, the Angels were still at the edge of the stone cliff’s edge talking as they watched the sun rise in the distance.
Oddly, the voices Jasper heard weren’t coming from the Angels, rather they came from the opposite direction. Craning his neck in response to who or what could be talking, Jasper tried to hear what was being said, but the words weren’t discernible, however, it certainly sounded like a conversation. Curiously, Jasper moved through the branches, following the perception of his ears through the camp. Nervously, he wondered if some people had found out his little operation. Then Jasper heard one of the voices distinctly use his name in a sentence.
After being led very near to the source of the mysterious voices, Jasper bent down low to keep himself concealed before crawling up against an embankment. Just about to peek over the edge of the rise, the Angels appeared around him. “Jasper,” Starr said, “Why do you feel threatened when there is no threat?”
“I hear voices, just over this rise.” Jasper whispered to them.
The Angels didn’t even have to check to see what was on the other side of the rise. “There is no one speaking.” Elana said with a careful knowing gaze.
“You’re wrong; all of you. Now listen, carefully.” Jasper said to them. “I distinctly heard a voice speak my name.”
In a moment of silence, while the Angels listened with Jasper, a voice from the other side of the rise distinctly said, “It is time for you, Jasper, to begin your work for the Lord. Your training is over.”
The faces of the Angels went flush and their eyes widened with surprise. Suddenly clear; the Lord spoke a secret message for Jasper’s ears alone. Jasper leaped up over the rise and found the source of the voice.
Curiously, Jasper found no one beyond the rise. He found no one anywhere at all. The faces of the Angels slowly rose up behind Jasper. Their armor shimmered and sparkled even brighter, giving off their own light and it was lined with a crystal golden frost.
“Did you hear them?” Jasper asked, “Did you hear what they said?”
“We heard, Jasper.” Wilson said.
“W-well, where did they go?” Jasper wondered, still searching the area with his eyes.
“What you heard, Jasper, was the voice of our Lord in Heaven.” Wilson said, “His message is for you.”
“I know His voice anywhere. Very distinct.” Joel added as he searched the forest with his eyes.
Jasper just looked at them. Uncertain how serious or important the message was, Jasper heard the faint sound of babbling voices again, just as he did before. Tilting his head to listen more carefully, only now, Jasper realized the sound was emanating from the babbling brook.
Leaving everything up to the Lord and His capable hands, Jasper accepted his calling to go into the city. It started out small but it quickly grew. As Jasper prepared himself for his journey, he felt himself become conditioned on the inside. He was drawn to full-fill the plan God had for him. It became clear, the best time to prepare his mind and his heart was while he tended to the farm animals. Only, this time the Angels instructed Jasper to use more feed than usual; much more. Ceramecy w
as organized to sustain itself for days while Jasper would be absent.
When everything was meticulously in order, the Angels wasted no time leading Jasper up to the lake. As dusk began to settle, the Heavens opened up to them like a swirling portal. The clouds opened revealing a rift to another place as it did in the hospital room and in Rose’s bedroom. This time, they were outside where the open sky was filled with beams of God’s radiant glory.
Like before, from the opening to Heaven above, the Tri-Guardian Angels; Emunah, Tikua and Ahava, descended as Jasper had seen them do in the past. Each of the Tri-Guardian Angels had mighty wings and glided with them vastly stretched wide.
The lake was perfectly still and as the Tri-Guardians descended they gently paused over the water weightlessly. The water wasn’t disturbed in the least by the Guardians, and their feet of polished bronze stopped short of touching the undisturbed water which remained still as a pane of glass.
As the Tri-Guardians moved, gliding over the lake, their rays of light shone so brightly, the illustrious beams bounced off the water’s surface as though their reflections were cast off a perfect mirror.
Ominously, they approached Jasper and the six Angels. Held captive by the immense splendor of the Angels, Jasper stood frozen in fear, helpless in the presence of such greatness. The Angels drew near to the Guardians one by one and accepted items of shimmering silver from them. Unable to hold on any longer, Jasper fell to his knees upon the solid rock. Doing this in penitence until Jasper prayed for his soul to be spared.
Experiencing the presence of the Holy beings was overwhelming enough but Jasper felt his heart pound within his rib cage until it stopped and he was no longer living. When Jasper felt the presence of the Tri-Guardians pass by, the six Angels surrounded him.
Moving his hand to his chest, Jasper thought his heart really did stop, but what he found was his heart beating faster than ever.
“Stand up, Jasper.” The Angel, Joel, spoke with authority, “Stand up!”
Jasper lay flat on his belly. Placing his palms to the cold stone he pushed to bring his weight up. Though a little wobbly, Jasper stood straight and tall.
“Now keep still, friend.” Wilson told him.
The Angels began to dress Jasper in the spiritual symbols of the Armor of God. While they did this, Taila recited words of the Good Book. From Ephesians Chapter 6, verses 13 to 18.
“Put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist.” Joel added, before he buckled the golden spiritual belt of truth around Jasper.
“With the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” Roger fastened the shimmering silver chest plate to Jasper’s chest and slipped the boots upon his feet.
“In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith.” Starr adhered the pearl-like shield of faith to Jasper’s left arm before adding, “With which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”
“Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit.” Placing the vibrant helmet of salvation upon Jasper’s head, Wilson then tied the golden sword of the spirit to Jasper’s belt. Then he continued, “Which is the word of God.”
“And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” Taila placed her hand on Jasper’s shoulder and her spiritual form began to brighten.
Elana approached Jasper and placed her hand on his opposite shoulder and said, “With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.” Her spiritual form also brightened. As the light of Taila and Elana grew, they raised their wing tips to point straight up. The shimmering spiritual items on Jasper were the full armor of God. They were sent from Heaven and presented to Jasper by the six Angels. Before Taila and Elana let go of Jasper, his armor also brightened with its own brilliance.
When all of this was said, Jasper found himself standing at the water’s edge wearing shimmering silver armor and holding a sword and a shield. His eyes could see the ghostly armor, but it had absolutely no weight.
Elana moved in front of Jasper in a surreal dance which was both in slow motion and free of gravity. A long shawl of white silky tulle, coiled and moved around her without actually touching her or her magnificent wings. Elana looked at Jasper with an awe inspired expression. Each of the six Angels stepped out onto the lake and walked over the surface of the water. They called to Jasper to do the same. Jasper shook his head and declined, but the Angels persisted saying; “It is a test of faith.”
Jasper finally agreed and took a step out to the water’s surface. ‘I know this test. I’m going to walk on water.’ Jasper thought. His foot immediately sunk below the surface. Jasper closed his eyes and tried to concentrate as he lifted his other foot to the water’s surface. He then slipped on the smooth rocks under his feet and fell into the lake with a great clumsy splash. ‘Oh, no! I failed. What now?’
Wiping the water from his eyes Jasper found five of the Angels still standing on the surface of the water looking at him. Joel wasn’t with them as he sunk into the lake with Jasper.
“A great task has befallen to your capable hands, Jasper.” From the shore, Taila spoke to him, no doubt with something of future insight to share. “You’ll be ridiculed unto the end of your days for the sake of the Lord, God of the universe. Would you accept Jesus the Christ as your personal Savior?”
Jasper didn’t hesitate to answer, “Yes, you know I will give up my life for the cause of God the Father, His Son and the Holy Ghost.”
“Then in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I now baptize you in water, that you may begin your work here as a new being, who has dedicated his life to his Master and Creator.” Joel’s powerful words echoed off into the distant mountains.
Like a real manifestation of spirit interacting with matter, Jasper could feel Joel physically lower him backwards into the water, then lift him out. Jasper found himself still clad in the spiritual Armor of God. As Jasper climbed out of the cold lake, he felt strengthened, invigorated and renewed. He walked to the fire, which was only red hot coals. Stacking the coals with tinder, the flames crept over each piece of wood as it grew. Drying himself next to the great blaze, Jasper relaxed next to the heat and prayed until he nodded off. Before he knew it, Jasper had slept soundly through the night, under the protection of the ever present and caring Angels.
Awakening to the soft songs of Heavenly voices singing in a cascading crescendo, Jasper yawned and stretched. Unable to remember the last time he slept so soundly, Jasper was shaken when the Angels told him it was time to go. Uncertain what awaited his future, when the Angels called on Jasper, he obeyed. It was early enough, the sun was on the verge of casting its first light, and darkness was in short supply across Ceramecy. Jasper lit a torch from the few remaining coals and followed the Angels. While leading him to the animals Taila told Jasper, “You will be asked to choose from one of them.”
Jasper wasn’t sure what the purpose was and he certainly had no idea which animal he was expected to choose. The Angel Wilson said, “You must make a choice from the selection of livestock to accompany you on your Journey.”
Jasper’s unique sight settled on a young lamb with a white woolen coat. It sparkled with a brighter soul than the others. Tying a thin rope around the lamb’s neck, the Angels immediately led them down the mountain.
When he heard the rooster crow from a distance, just before the sun began to rise, Jasper imagined it was the voice of Ceramecy calling out to him to return.
The Angels kept Jasper and the lamb moving along at a hastened stride. Again there was no apparent path to follow but the Angels had a very precise direction in mind for Jasper. When they reached the bottom of the mountain and came to a familiar shallow but wide river, Jasper stopped for a moment so he and the lamb could have a refre
shing drink.
Jasper cupped his hand and scooped the cool clear water to his mouth and sipped. He regarded the lamb who quietly lowered its head to the water to drink until it was content. To Taila it looked like the lamb nibbled at the water’s surface. She seemed to take a unique liking to Jasper’s young lamb.
“I should find a name for you.” Jasper spoke as he began to forge a friendship with the lamb.
There came a moment, as the lamb drank from the river, when Jasper felt the presence of the Spirit of Holiness. The golden morning sunlight reflected off the moving water and Jasper beheld the glory of the Lord shining down around the lamb.
“Destiny has a hand in all that is taking place this day.” Elana said.
“The lamb is the perfect symbol of the Father’s one and only son.” Joel added.
Then Jasper heard the whisper of the Spirit of Holiness speak inside his mind telling him, “God the Son, the anointed, the Lord is with you.”
Jasper shot a look at the Angels. The Angels had stunned pale expressions on their faces, then they dropped down where they were into the river, forming a semi-circle, they bowed down and began to praise God. Their white wings stretched out, overlapping one another and by design, formed a feathered canopy.
Jasper felt the strong presence of the Spirit of Holiness very near to him. Unable to deny it; he too bowed down and began to praise the Lord.
It wasn’t long before the Spirit of Holiness had lifted and Jasper, along with the Angels, rose up again. Jasper looked over at the lamb. It was curled up and sleeping on a tuft of grass next to the river. “I’d like to name you ‘Lotworld.’ Short for; Light of the World. But that doesn’t sound quite right for a name.”
Taila approached the lamb and stroked its head, caressing it with a fond tenderness. As expected, the lamb didn’t respond to the dear touch and adoration of the beautiful Angel. Turning her attention back to Jasper, Taila said, “I think Lotworld is a fine name, but perhaps you’d like to use the Hebrew word for ‘Light of the World,’ which is pronounced; Hayolam.”
“Hayolam?” Jasper repeated. “Yes, I like the sound of it. This name gives me a picture of a halo around a lamb.” Bending down and petting the lamb, Jasper said, “That’s your name, little one. Hayolam.”
The golden sunlight faded as a distant cloud moved in to block it behind its shadowy form. Jasper gathered the little lamb in his arms and carried it through the current; across the cold river. Setting the lamb down on the other side they continued on with the Angels.
Soon, Jasper came to the side of an old country road. When he climbed the embankment and stepped foot on the shoulder of the highway, he felt strengthened by the Angels. Plucking a single feather from each of their own wings, the Angels began to use them like pens to scribe upon Jasper’s skin and armor words of victory from their Heavenly realm. Like the weapon of one Angel strengthens another, so Jasper was encouraged. Standing straight, holding his head high, Jasper started down the road. His spirit shining brighter than the sun. With his heart flooding over with joy, Jasper couldn’t hide the big bright smile of teeth beaming from his face. This inspired the Angels and they smiled along with him.
The clouds moved in, covering the sky, but it didn’t matter. Jasper brought his own sunshine with him. Becoming his own light of the world, Jasper’s cloudy eyesight kept him from noticing the countless motorists passing him by. Not one person stopped. No one wanted to get involved with someone who looked like a shady hippy. Too worried that he might be dangerous, no one seemed to care for the safety of a man walking along a busy highway. Nevertheless, the Angels proclaimed, “Jasper and his lamb are a great sign of encouragement for the people.”
Questioning this with no resolve, Jasper couldn’t understand how by not doing anything he could encourage others. “With so much I want to give, how could I do good without doing anything at all?” Jasper asked.
The Angel, Roger, rather excited, responded to him, “The glory of the Lord is spiritually scribed all over you right now. Anyone who looks at you can see this, even though they can’t actually see one letter of one word.”
Examining his hands and arms, Jasper could see the glowing writing of Hebrew squiggles. Jasper smiled all the brighter. If his presence alone could make a difference then the Lord had performed a mighty work in him indeed.
The country road twisted around and finally came to an over-pass where it met with highway number one. Knowing which way to go even without looking at road signs or listening to the Angel’s instructions, Jasper kept his feet to the shoulder of the road and continued. Hayolam was especially nervous when any large commercial trucks passed by. The little lamb would rub its white fleecy coat against Jasper’s dirty jeans in search of protection.
The main highway took Jasper through the farming community of Canuk’eh. So many vehicles zoomed past and Jasper tried to wipe the smile from his face, only the excitement and joy that filled him and lit his spirit on fire, made it impossible to quit. Keeping his eyes set on the goal, Jasper didn’t make eye contact with any of the motorists. Something awaited him in the city of Kingston; ‘What was it?’ Determined to find out, knowing the great distance ahead of him, Jasper considered how it would’ve been wiser to choose a horse instead of the lamb. With such vitality and love in his heart Jasper really didn’t mind walking. He would have walked around the entire globe if the Angels asked him to.
Along the highway, Jasper walked past countless farming fields of corn, blue berries and other vegetables. Vehicles slowed down as Jasper did nothing more than walk his lamb. Because of curiosity, the vehicles continued to slow to the point of being backed-up. Only a few drivers wanted to get a good look at Jasper and Hayolam. The other disappointed drivers were frustrated that it took so little to cause a distraction and waste their valuable time.
One man in particular was enraged that traffic was held up for such a long way. As the disgruntled driver passed by, he rolled down his window and shouted obscenities at Jasper, before spitting, heartlessly. What Jasper saw through his spiritually sensitive vision, was a man full of evil Demons. The man kicked his foot out hard, stomping his gas pedal to the floor. The driver’s eyes were inflamed with the fires of Hell. Jasper even saw a large Demon behind the driver with its head poking out of the roof of the car. Turning the driver’s head this way and that, like it was a steering wheel, the Demon recklessly drove the car. Clearly in control, the Demon groaned with a sound like the motor as it tormented the driver with frustration. The motor wined as the tires squealed, spinning like the feet of a cartoon character, then it took off down the highway into the distance.
Jasper’s hair needed a wash and so did his clothes. He’d been living in the forest for so long he lost track of the days. Though he tried to keep up on washing, his limited soap had to last. The stink coming from Jasper included the farm animals, manure and campfire smoke of Ceramecy. Wearing a dirty yellow baseball cap with a crest that read ‘CAT.’ Jim gave the hat to Jasper, claiming it was special.
As Jasper came through the community of Canuk’eh, he saw a sign that read, ‘Welcome to Maplegrove.’” A short distance from this sign was another sign that read, “Kingston 65 Kilometers.”
The sky was dark and gloomy with lingering thick and heavy rain clouds, but behind Jasper, the clouds began to open. Rays from the sun began to reach through from a powerful light source.
Tires could be heard screeching to a stop in the distance as more vehicles joined the traffic jam. The vision of Jasper with his lamb and the beams of light piercing the sky behind would’ve made a beautiful photo for a post card perhaps, but it would pale to the vision from Jasper’s eyes. ‘It’s a shame no one else can see what is happening here.’ Jasper thought.
At a glance, Jasper turned in response to a rumble from the clouds and a trumpet blast which echoed over the land. There, in the sky, he saw a great multitude pouring out of Heaven to accompany him and his Angel friends on their journey. As the clouds were being pushed back to open
the skies, the light from the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven lit the edges of the clouds and it was as though the outskirts of the clouds radiated with a white fire. The Heavenly bodies of light descended ominously following Jasper’s lead.
The growing town of Maplegrove was a rich residential community, fed by the money making machine city of Kingston. As Maplegrove grew, it pushed back the farm lands that had established the plains long before.
A small compact car passed Jasper whose driver had a familiar face, only Jasper hadn’t noticed. The driver took a good long look at Jasper as he drove past and recognized him. Pulling the car over to the shoulder of the road where it parked, the driver’s door opened and a hefty driver rolled out shouting. “Jasper!”
Jasper stopped and turned around. It was Ned. “You are Jasper, aren’t you?”
“Ned, it’s good to see you again.” Jasper responded, happy to recognize his old friend despite the challenge his sight posed, only he wasn’t being completely honest. Upon Ned’s back was an infestive horde of little Demon Imps jumping in and out of him.
Ned studied Jasper’s face. As he approached Jasper, Ned took a closer look at the lamb and Jasper’s dirty clothes. After examining his white eyes, and feeling a chill of guilt, Ned walked right up to Jasper and he touched his beard. “Jasper!” Ned spoke with compassionate pity. “You could sure use a shave, a haircut and a bath, O’l buddy.” He added with his best attempt at humor, though it passed off as inexplicably artificial. “Come on, I’ll give you a ride home.” offered Ned with gracious hospitality.
“No, Ned.” Jasper raised his hand as he couldn’t possibly accept his friend’s offer. Jasper wanted to explain he was on a mission for the Lord but he wasn’t sure how to word his explanation convincingly. “I don’t expect you to understand, but I’m working on something. I have a great work to do.” Jasper struggled with what to say and how to keep from looking delusional.
“Wha? Oh, you mean like a marathon or something?” Ned cleared his throat. “Jasper, your parents are worried sick about you.” Ned exclaimed with concern. “Your mom, your dad and your sister are a mess. You’re all they talk about. When they see you, everything’ll be better. They’ll be thrilled when we show up together. Whoa, hey, I can just give them a quick call right now with my cell phone.”
Ned flipped open his small cell phone. Jasper shot out his hand and covered Ned’s hand over the phone. Their eyes locked for a second or two. Ned was surprised by how much authority his old friend had in his white damaged eyes. “You won’t do this.” Jasper told him. “My family is my past. I love them dearly, but I must move forward now. I cannot look back.” Jasper slipped the phone out of Ned’s hand. “As I told you, I have great work to do.” Jasper let the phone fall to the ground, then he crushed it under his heal.
“What’s your problem, man?!” Ned shouted. He bent down and picked up the broken phone.
Jasper turned and began to walk toward Kingston again. “Well, I guess that’s it then, huh? I’m just a part of your past also?” Ned waited a moment for an answer. When he found there wouldn’t be one, he shouted, “I’m sorry, alright?!” Ned cried. “You think I like seeing you like this? I hate it! It should have been me that fell off that roof! Not you! This is tearing me apart to see you like this. Finding you wandering around on a dangerous highway in the middle of nowhere, almost completely blind!”
Taila told Jasper, “Tell your friend, it is by your blindness he will see.”
Jasper fixed his white eyes on Ned’s hard gaze and repeated, “It is by my blindness you will see.”
Now Ned was sure Jasper was talking nonsense. Placing his hands on Jasper’s shoulders, his eyes became capable of beholding the magnificence of Heaven. Eyes widening, Ned could see the multitude of winged enlightened beings descend out of the radiant light of the cloud and gather behind Jasper.
Unable to catch his breath at the stunning display of God’s true existence, Ned took his hands off Jasper and the vision was instantly lost. Quickly, Ned slapped his hands onto Jasper’s shoulders once again. When the spiritual sight returned to him, he examined the six Angels closest to Jasper with greater clarity than Jasper was capable of.
In turn, each of the Angels smiled back at Ned, nodding with an inhuman countenance of beauty, grace and peace.
Releasing his hold of Jasper’s shoulders, the image once more disappeared leaving him alone with Jasper and his lamb again. Stunned by what he saw, Ned was a man of few words.
Jasper didn’t know Ned had an experience of any sort when he said, “It’s not easy, I know. Tell my family that I love them, but they must let me go. Thank you, Ned. You’ve always been a good friend.”
Calmly sitting back into his little car, Ned started the engine and drove behind Jasper matching his walking speed. Backing up traffic more than ever in his lane, Ned was unable to take his eyes off Jasper. Replaying the vision of what he saw over and over in his mind, Ned tried to make sense of it. One thing he was certain of; something very unique was going on.
Protected in a barrier orb of light, Joel flew down to Jasper and walked with him at his side to keep him company. Then Joel told him, “Jasper, when the presence of the Christ enters the battlefield, opposing warriors begin to exchange mortal wounds to atone for the sins of man-kind. Today, the Christ and his own great army will enter darkness and all who look upon this miracle will be blinded by the light.”
The Angels soon strengthened Jasper with the encouragement of their voices as they sang;
Now is the time,
Open the golden Gates.
Goodness beams on high,
We bring glorious rays.
Angels returning from Heaven,
We love and we care for the earth.
Angels returning from Heaven,
Proclaiming He of the virgin birth.
Messengers whispering Your name,
The loving Father invites you, “Come home.”
Messengers whispering Your name,
Patiently waiting, “Come home.”
The singing started out low, with just the six Angels who were three on each side of Jasper. Hosts from Heaven joined the song and it grew. Stringed instruments joined in also as did horns and drums. The music; so powerful, became louder than a marching band; it grew and manifested into drums of war. Jasper could no longer contain himself from singing along. Shamelessly, he sang as loud as he could. Child-like Cherubs danced in flight around Jasper. Gleefully they began play fighting with, what looked like, golden toy swords and enjoying one another’s innocence. It was such a special moment for Jasper that tears ran down his cheeks as he continued foolishly dancing and singing. The Spirit of Holiness entered Jasper’s heart all over again and his bright smile returned.
As Ned looked on at his friend, he didn’t think he was acting strange at all. Ned knew what Jasper was looking at and he was envious of it. Ned remained driving behind Jasper straight through Maplegrove until they reached the Portman Bridge. At the bridge the four lanes of traffic were condensed to two. Jasper strolled across the bridge along the pedestrian sidewalk leaving Ned far behind in the rush hour of turtle paced vehicles. Passing cars at walking speed, Jasper kept his eyes set on the goal. The goal, whatever it was, would be revealed within the monumental city of Kingston.